Courses Offered
Comparative-Historical Analysis: Political Science 490; Sociology 439-0
This course provides an introduction to issues of theory, approach, and evidence in the field of comparative-historical analysis. Although methodological topics will inevitably come up, the course is not primarily a class on comparative-historical methods. The overall objective is to help students understand, appreciate, and critique excellent works of comparative-historical analysis. These skills in turn should help students who want to pursue research in this field to create their own excellent works of comparative-historical analysis.
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Methods of Comparative Analysis: Political Science 490
This seminar offers a broad introduction to the field of comparative methodology. The emphasis is on what are conventionally regarded in political science as "qualitative" methods for the analysis of a relatively small number of cases. The course focuses on recent methodological writings, though a few classical pieces are also included. The readings are not specific to any substantive subfield in political science. The course assumes no prior background in qualitative methodology.
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